
NFV and SDN on OpenStack

Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN) are two of the hottest infrastructure technologies around, particularly for telecoms and network operators wanting to make their services more efficient, scalable, and cost-effective.

One of the biggest areas of interest for operators as they look to integrate those technologies is to have a quick and easy way to deploy and map them onto cloud infrastructure, particularly OpenStack.

Download this ebook to:

  • get an overview of the ever-changing infrastructure landscape for network operators
  • better understand the challenges they face when implementing NFV and SDN technologies
  • review a reference architecture for integrating NFV and SDN technologies onto Ubuntu OpenStack clouds, allowing for maximum flexibility in configuration, management, and scaling.

“Time Warner Cable is running Ubuntu OpenStack and partnering with Canonical as part of our strategy to improve infrastructure utilisation and accelerate service innovation, deployment, and delivery.”

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