Cloud and server
BootStack managed cloud factsheet
by Alexia Emmanoulopoulou on 7 October 2015
BootStack, is a the fully managed cloud offer from Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. BootStack is a true end to end offer including the design,...
Cloud and server
Canonical OpenStack
by Canonical on 28 October 2014
Ubuntu OpenStack – The Canonical OpenStack Distribution is the latest OpenStack offering from Canonical. It is the quickest and easiest way to build an...
Cloud and server
The Ubuntu OpenStack Training Programme
by Canonical on 3 October 2014
More training options have been a long-standing request by our customers. Following the on-site, 2-week course we offer as part of our consulting and support...
Cloud and server
BootStack – taking away the pain of cloud management
by Canonical on 1 September 2014
BootStack (short for: build, operate, and optionally transfer) is the new offering from Canonical to round up its cloud portfolio. Utilising their experience...
Cloud and server
Telco clouds reach new heights with Ubuntu OpenStack
by Canonical on 18 August 2014
Ubuntu OpenStack is not only the world’s most popular OpenStack distribution, but also the most dominant among so-called “OpenStack super-users”. Canonical...
Cloud and server
Ubuntu Cloud documentation – 14.04 LTS
by Canonical on 21 May 2014
This article is out of date. Please visit sne.bianheman.eu.org/autopilot for up-to-date instructions on installing OpenStack. Deploying production grade OpenStack with...
Cloud and server
What’s new in Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS?
by Canonical on 17 April 2014
Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, which goes live today, is the third Ubuntu LTS release designed for cloud. After more than four years, we finally see the cloud...
Ubuntu Desktop: a proven, leading-edge, low-cost OS perfect for education
by Canonical on 17 December 2013
Ubuntu is becoming more and more popular in the education sector globally. Every day millions of students conduct research, produce assignments, correspond...
Cloud and server
Hit the ground running with Ubuntu OpenStack training
by Canonical on 30 October 2013
Canonical was the first company to commercially distribute and support OpenStack, under the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure brand. Ubuntu is also the reference...
Cloud and server
Ubuntu Cloud Guest
by peter-mahnke on 29 August 2013
Ubuntu is the most popular guest operating system in the world’s major public clouds. What makes Ubuntu such a natural choice for cloud providers and users?...
Cloud and server
OpenStack primer
by Canonical on 29 August 2013
This short document introduces you to OpenStack and its components, what you can change and customise, and why Ubuntu and OpenStack work so well together.
Cloud and server
Top 10 questions about MAAS
by Canonical on 29 August 2013
This FAQ summarises the most important things you need to know about MAAS (metal-as-a-service). It covers what MAAS is, how it works with other Ubuntu cloud...